Independence day 1In the United States, Independence Day, the Fourth of July, is a federal holiday celebrated by Americans, beginning in 1776, when the thirteen American colonies separated themselves from the British Empire as a new nation. This new nation desired freedom not requiring or relying on another nation. That was a major milestone for the United States of America.

To be independent is a climacteric advancement in most of our lives. To be self-reliant is an important development of growth, an evolution to strive for.

Statements made by many individuals and admired:

  • I raised my children all alone
  • I climbed up the corporate ladder without anyone’s’ help
  • No one helped me to get where I am
  • I made all my dreams come true

These declarations may appear to be reputable, but are not completely true. Noted, you may have did your part with hard work, dedication and perseverance. But, the journey was not traveled alone. Credit needs to be given to a Higher Power, God. Because everything that may have been accomplished, God provided His grace, wisdom, patience, strength, and knowledge for that achievement.

In today’s world, everything is girded with pride, ego, and selfishness. Praise is given to self and man. While God is blamed with all the hurt, pain, and sorrow in the world. When the concepts creep in your mind that you made your dreams come true, on your own, that’s dangerous. This may be a gentle reminder that God is behind your aspirations and to give Him praise: or it could be a mind-blowing revelation that you are not doing this alone.

Let’s not be governed by P.E.S.T, Pride, Ego, Selfishness and Trifle with God. The devil’s main stronghold on people of today is pride. The concept of thinking you are better than others; you don’t need anyone, and you can do it on your own is the devil working.  Watch out for this mindset and behavior.

The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts. Psalm 10:4King James Version (KJV)

This attitude will lead to destruction every time.

 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. Proverbs 16:18 (KJV)

Let’s take God’s H.O.L.D, Humility, Obedience, Love, Deliverance.

Remember God grants the impossible dream. He does, not you.

With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible. Mark 10:27 (KJV)